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Emile Compion / Gerard Compion The Neels Compion Company
Tel: (+1) 519 574 9069 / 519 498 3138 / E-Mail: support@theneelscompioncompany.com

Dave McBeth / Kerry Byrne (Technical Director)
DTM Flexo Services Tel: (+1) 905 536 1335 / E-Mail: sales@dtmflexo.com

Nick Harvey (Vice President of Business Development)
Tel: (+1) 724 797 7990 / E-Mail: nharvey@apexinternational.com

Nick Harvey (Technical Director)
Tel: (+1) 724 797 7990 / E-Mail: nharvey@apexinternational.com

Ryan Jansen Jansen Reliance LLC
Tel: (+1) 765 639 8552 / E-Mail: ryanjansen@jansenreliance.com

Callam Harvey (Technical Director)
Tel: (+1) 724 243 9273 / E-Mail: charvey@apexinternational.com

Andrew Buran
Tel: (+1) 724 797 8223 / E-Mail: aburan@apexinternational.com

Aaron Lessing
Tel: (+1) 508 878 5614 / E-Mail: alessing@apexinternational.com

Kevin Ralton (Technical Sales)
Tel: (+1) 239 248 8382 / E-Mail: kevin.ralton@apexinternational.com

Max von Hillebrandt (Technical Sales)
MaxCorr Tel: (+1) 678 983 4406 / E-Mail: maxvh@maxcorr.com

Denis Niubo (VP Sales - Apex Latn America)
Tel: + 55 41 99984 0600 / E-Mail: dniubo@apexinternational.com

Gustavo Soto (Mexico)
Tel: +52 (55) 87931529 / E-Mail: gsoto@apexinternational.com

Walter Siguenza Go Print Representaciones
Tel: 503-2121-1734 / E-Mail: wsiguenza@goprintsv.com

Jaime Ancalmo Destin Soluciones S.A.
Tel: + 502 2508 9007 / E-Mail: destinsoluciones@gmail.com

Willie Vásquez Plaza Grafica Dominicana SRL
Tel: 809-221-4242 / E-Mail: wvasquez@plazagraficadr.com

Denis Niubo (VP Sales)
Tel: + 55 41 99984 0600 / E-Mail: dniubo@apexinternational.com

Jorge Gutierrez NOVA Latin America
Tel: + 571 7747270 / E-Mail: jorge@nova-la.com

Monica Paez Gonzalez Novaflex Representaciones SAS
Tel: +57 310 2960297 / E-Mail: monicapaez@novaflex.com.co

Hildebrando Donates Sumiflex
Tel: + 58 241 412 1348 / E-Mail: hdonates@sumiflex.com

Alexander Piedra Quimica Anders S.A.S.
Tel: +593 99 536 7381 / E-Mail: alexander.piedra@qanders.com

Horst Eichhorn G. Anders Peru
Tel: + 51 1 615 8600 / E-Mail: horst.eichhorn@qanders.com

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Tel: + 5913 3552434 / E-Mail: yamilca.gorostiaga@qanders.com

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Tel: +56 9 3951 8900 / E-Mail: diego.maldonado@qanders.com

Ignacio Eiranova NOVA Latin America
Tel: +5411 4543 1647 / E-Mail: ignacio@nova-la.com

Walter Ditsch AGH S.A.
Tel: + 54 911 5308 5179 / E-Mail: walter@aghsa.com.ar

Denis Niubo (VP Sales - Apex Latin America)
Tel: + 55 41 99984 0600 / E-Mail: dniubo@apexinternational.com

Juliano Vicentin (Corrugated)
Tel: + 55 41 99969 8938 / E-Mail: jvicentin@apexinternational.com

Edilson Oliveira (Technical Salesman)
Tel: + 55 11 98319 7517 / E-Mail: edilson.flexo@yahoo.com.br

Anderson Vieira SV Flexo Serviços e Representação LTDA
Tel: +55 11 98114 0292 / E-Mail: anderson.svflexo@gmail.com

Claudio Marques Claudio De Souza Marques Representação Comercial
Tel: + 55 11 98877 1531 / E-Mail: claudio.flexo@gmail.com

Cesar Moreno Lacus Representações Com
Tel: + 55 11 947730551 / E-Mail: cesarlacus@gmail.com

Filipe Pereira JSP Representação Comercial
Tel: + 55 11 98666 1945 / E-Mail: jsp.representacaocomercial@gmail.com

Vicente Alves SAEX – Comércio e Representações Ltda
Tel: + 55 11 981637958 / E-Mail: vic_quimica@yahoo.com.br

Luiz Fabiano Solution Pack
Tel: + 55 51 99900 2670 / E-Mail: luiz@solutionpack.ind.br

Renato Bresciani Bresciani & Bresciani
Tel: + 55 48 99971 2013 / E-Mail: renato@ciabresciani.com.br

Samir Lopes J S Lopes Comércio e Representações
Tel: + 55 41 99918 4036 / E-Mail: samir.apex@hotmail.com

Mauricio Ignacio Transformação Visual Gráfica e Mídia
Tel: + 55 21 99396 4302 / E-Mail: mauricioignacio.mi@gmail.com

Lucas D'Oliveira Inovva Flexo Ltda.
Tel: + 55 31 99373 9441 / E-Mail: lucas.da.flexo@gmail.com

Alex de Lucca Alex De Lucca Representações
Tel: + 55 62 98151 4017 / E-Mail: delucca.alex@yahoo.com.br

Antonio Felipe Recimax – Representação E Comércio Ltda.
Tel: +55 81 98896 1958 / E-Mail: recimaxltda@gmail.com

Lelio Mendes WBL Angstrom Ltda. (Lithography)
Tel: +55 19 99861 8135 / E-Mail: leliomendes13@gmail.com

Narciso Machado Greedy Representações Comerciais Ltda. (Wood Printing)
Tel: + 55 19 99111 34 92 / E-Mail: narciso.machado@ncm.com.br

Mangesh Bhise (Director Sales- Asia Pacific & ME)
Tel: +91 7030317170 / E-Mail: mangesh.bhise@apexinternational.com

Mahesh Mense (Sales Manager - India Peninsula)
Tel: +91 8263919250 / E-Mail: mahesh.mense@apexinternational.com

Henry Nguyen (SEA - Area Sales Manager)
Tel: +84 0 902 720 949 / E-Mail: henry.nguyen@apexinternational.com

Larry FU (SEA - Area Sales Manager)
Tel: + 886 910 878 643 / E-Mail: larry.fu@apexinternational.com

Paul Fang Shanghai Huiyea
Tel: 0086-21-55122028 / E-Mail: paulfang@huiyea.com

Afsal Kottal Phoenix Technologies
Tel: +971 4 325 1166 / E-Mail: afsalkottal@phoenixtecsol.com

Mahesh Mense (Sales Manager - India Peninsula)
Tel: +91 8263919250 / E-Mail: mahesh.mense@apexinternational.com

Charlie Han P M Trading Co
Tel: + 82 11 99438051 / E-Mail: kchanph@gmail.com

Akemi Miyazaki Meisho Corporation
Tel: + 81 06 6304 8340 / E-Mail: akemi@meisho-c.co.jp

Laddawan Poosamritlert L.P.P Trading Co., Ltd
Tel: +66 2 965 5377-9 / E-Mail: laddawan@lpptrading.com

Willy Yang Independant Flexo Consultant
Tel: + 886 963 477189 / E-Mail: willyfx35@gmail.com

Raphie Tuquib Interworld
Tel: +63 9177731222 | +632 89906360 / E-Mail: ralph.interworldcre@gmail.com

Cobi Gottfried C&C Equipment
Tel: +972 54 4609295 / E-Mail: sales@eu.apexinternational.com

Yaroslav Khodataev Print Store KZ
Tel: +7 707 777-43-30 / E-Mail: info@printstore.kz

Petrus Tanto Utomo CV Kemas Abadi
Tel: + 62 811311182 / E-Mail: petrus@kemasabadi.com

Messrs. Mutlu Infotek Pazarlama
Tel: + 90 532 2842054 / E-Mail: infotek@infotekpaz.com

Joris Cabri (VP Sales - Apex Europe & Africa)
Tel: + 31 (0) 497 36 11 11 /

Jose Moreira (French speaking)
Tel: +33 684 967577 / E-Mail: jmoreira@apexinternational.com

Riaan Hopley Beswick Machinery
Tel: +27 11 433 2686 / E-Mail: bmmarketing@beswick.co.za

Joris Cabri (VP Sales - Apex Europe & Africa)
Tel: + 31 (0) 497 36 11 11 /

Phill Rogers (Technical Sales Manager)
Tel: +44 7704 168462 / E-Mail: progers@apexinternational.com

Nick Wright (Technical Sales Manager)
Tel: +7562944126 / E-Mail: nwright@apexinternational.com

Jens Björn ScanTeco ApS
Tel: + 45 21 72 4540 / E-Mail: jens@scanteco.dk

Tomas Kalenda Lipnus
Tel: +370~37 75 10 30 / E-Mail: lipnus@lipnus.lt

Joris Cabri (VP Sales - Apex Europe & Africa)
Tel: + 31 (0) 497 36 11 11 /

Luca Guazzoni (VP Sales - Apex Italy)
Tel: +39 348 8716403 / E-Mail: lguazzoni@apexinternational.com

Oriol Rosés Innova Flexo Products, S.L.
Tel: + 34 93 882 2895 / E-Mail: customer.service@innovafp.com

Jose Moreira (Portugal)
Tel: +33 684 967577 / E-Mail: jmoreira@apexinternational.com

Alessandro Pazzaglia
Tel: +39 345 7113571 / E-Mail: apazzaglia@apexinternational.com

Francesco Buono
Tel: +39 342 9593013 / E-Mail: fbuono@apexinternational.com

Fabio Squaglia (Agente Tissue Italia)
Tel: +39 328 5427943 / E-Mail: fabio.squaglia@gmail.com

Samo Sketa ISI d.o.o.
Tel: +386 41 685566 / E-Mail: samo.sketa@isi.si

Vlado Zovic
Tel: +385 98 334113 / E-Mail: vladozovic@gmail.com

Nicos Stathoudakis NAVIcommercial
Tel: +30 693 4572100 / E-Mail: nstathoudakis@navi.com.gr

Joris Cabri (VP Sales - Apex Europe & Africa)
Tel: + 31 (0) 497 36 11 11 /

Pascal Boileau (Technical Sales Manager / France-West )
Tel: + 33 7 85 87 66 88 / E-Mail: pboileau@apexinternational.com

Julien Robert (Technical Sales Manager / France-East)
Tel: + 33 6 33 53 83 68 / E-Mail: jrobert@apexinternational.com

Jose Moreira
Tel: +33 684 967577 / E-Mail: jmoreira@apexinternational.com

Edwin Spijkers (Area Sales Manager)
Tel: + 31 6 53 956 458 / E-Mail: espijkers@apexinternational.com

Peter van Duijnhoven (Technical Sales Manager )
Tel: + 31 6 54 67 74 04 / E-Mail: pvanduijnhoven@apexinternational.com

Jan Bijl Parts4Graphics
Tel: +31 6 27 89 21 58 / E-Mail: jan.bijl@parts4graphics.nl

Markus Franz (Technical Sales Manager / Germany -West)
Tel: + 49 152 2291 2657 / E-Mail: mfranz@apexinternational.com

Remo Friebe Print N Pack (Germany-South)
Tel: + 49 173 617 8895 / E-Mail: info@print-n-pack.de

Arno Vonhaus (Technical Sales Manager / Germany - East/North )
Tel: + 49 172 940 5509 / E-Mail: avonhaus@apexinternational.com

Markus Pflügl 3 P Services
Tel: + 43 664 527 9449 / E-Mail: office@3-P-Services.at

Joris Cabri (VP Sales - Apex Europe & Africa)
Tel: + 31 (0) 497 36 11 11 /

Wojciech Barabasz Barmey
Tel: +48 75 64 48 441 / E-Mail: wojciech.barabasz@barmey.eu

Jan Krigl CNI Tisk Service
Tel: +420 603 229 052 / E-Mail: j.krigl@cnitisk.cz

János Ádám Kővári Hoffman KFT.
Tel: + 36 20 2866455 / E-Mail: janosadam.kovari@hoffmannkft.hu

Markus Pflügl 3-P-Services
Tel: +43 664 527 9449 / E-Mail: markus.pfluegl@3-p-services.at

Anna Rudenko LLC Factorial
Tel: +38 057 7199715 / E-Mail: rudenko@factorial.ua

József Bugár Printman
Tel: +40 21 350 00 26 / E-Mail: contact@printman.ro

Nikolay Kotov Huber Bulgaria Ltd.
Tel: +359 2 491 59 49 / E-Mail: nikolay.kotov@huber-bulgaria.bg

Mangesh Bhise (VP Sales - Apex Asia Pacific)
Tel: +91 7030317170 / E-Mail: mangesh.bhise@apexinternational.com

Miro Willems (Technical Sales)
Print & Pack Tel: '+61 2 9338 3900 / E-Mail: Miro.Williams@printandpack.com.au

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