Ever wonder why most Global OEMS trust the Apex brand?

Print solutions for your complex problems.

Global Manufacturing Across 7 Locations
World’s Largest Anilox Roll Manufacturer
11,000+ Customers Globally
Service In More Than 110 Countries
150+ Years of Experience In Embossing
True OEM Specifications

Introducing the First Accurate and Repeatable Volume Measurement System.
Endorsed by Apex.

Apex and MicroDynamics have partnered to create the only complete 3-in-1 measurement system in the world. Apex’s state-of-the-art software and calibration plates pair with the MicroDynamics Veritas© to provide you with the most comprehensive laser inspection process the industry has to offer.

Apex Anilox Calculators

This calculator is a guide to help customers understand the implications of choosing extreme Anilox engravings. The recommendations are presented as visual images and the associated volume and screen number. Apex can advise pros and cons of anilox specifications to help you decide on the specifications for your needs. We have incorporated 30+ years of Anilox experience and combined it with the latest technology in the industry.

Check It Out

What Our Clients Say.

anilox calculator

Ready to Run a Leaner,
Meaner Print Operation?

DS Smith

"Durch unterschiedlichen internen Drucktests und eine exakte Abstimmung von Farbe und Platte sind wir in der Lage, alle Druckanforderungen mit nur einem Walzensatz zu erfüllen. Aus diesem Grund ist unsere bewusste Entscheidung für die GTT-Technologie in jeder Hinsicht positiv und zukunftsorientiert. Am Standort Mannheim sind zwei Druckmaschinen vollständig mit GTT ausgestattet: die Göpfert Ovation mit sechs GTTCORR L-Walzen und die Martin 718 mit elf GTTCORR L-Walzen."

Oliver Sprengart


"Wir sehen in Apex GTT die innovativste Rasterwalzentechnologie, die unsere hohen Qualitätsstandards einfach am besten erfüllt. Aus diesem Grund bauen wir eine wichtige, strategische Kooperation mit Apex auf und werden in Zukunft standardmäßig alle neuen Maschinen mit GTT-Walzen empfehlen. Viele unserer Maschinen weltweit sind bereits mit der GTT-Technologie ausgestattet, weshalb es für uns deutlich ist, dass der Markt die zahlreichen Vorteile dieser Technologie erkannt hat und weiß, wie sie angewendet werden kann."

André Göpfert

Carolina Container

"Die Maschinenbediener beider Schichten sind von der Leistung der neuen GTT-Rasterwalze beeindruckt. Wir werden die Druckqualität definitiv weiterhin überwachen und prüfen."

Ronnie Watson

"Die von Apex gelieferten Auftragwalzen sind Präzisionskomponenten. Dies ist erforderlich, um flache, gut verklebte Trockenplatten mit konzipierter Geschwindigkeit herzustellen."

Karsten Jordan

"Apex International ist ein strategisch bevorzugter Lieferant des Konzerns Smurfit Kappa. Smurfit Kappa ist mit den hochwertigen Produkten und den günstigen Betriebskosten sehr zufrieden. Gemeinsam mit Smurfit Kappa entwickelt Apex International einen hochwertigen Service und optimale Kapitalkosten."

Peter MacDonald

"Mit Apex GTT haben wir uns für ein Hightech-Tool entschieden, das uns ein hohes Maß an Kontrolle über die Farbübertragung gibt. Gleichzeitig konnten wir unseren Rasterwalzenbestand reduzieren und somit jeden Tag eine beträchtliche Anzahl an Rasterwalzenwechseln im gesamten Unternehmen einsparen."

Dennis Patterson

"Das wichtigste Entscheidungskriterium für die Investition in GTT war die hervorragende, gleichmäßige Farbübertragung. Dadurch sind wir in der Lage, klare Druckergebnisse in hervorragender Qualität zu erzielen – 200-lpi-Aufträge werden mit perfekt sauberen Punkten gedruckt – Auftrag für Auftrag. Der Wettbewerb mit dem Offsetdruck ist nun überaus realistisch."

Waldemar Franczak

"Das umfassende Know-how von Apex International im Bereich der wasserbasierten und UV-härtenden Lackübertragungstechnologie ist eine perfekte Ergänzung des digitalen Faltschachtel-Arbeitsablauf. Durch die Bündelung von Ressourcen, Kompetenzen und Know-how befinden wir uns in einer günstigen Position, um die Prozessoptimierung voranzutreiben und den Benutzern von TRESU iCoat Verbesserungen in puncto Effizienz, Qualität und Support zu ermöglichen."

Kim Krintel

"Ich bin mit den Ergebnissen mit der Rasterwalze C21 sehr zufrieden und habe äußerst hohe Dichten auf dem Material erreicht, das wir bei unserem neuen Projekt verwenden. Sie wurde auch bei anderen Aufträgen eingesetzt, die mit Deckweiß doppelt bearbeitet wurden und nun nur noch ein Mal mit der Rasterwalze GTT C21 bearbeitet werden."

Michael Preston

"Partnering with Apex and utilizing GTT anilox rollers has transformed Ruey Chang Printing & Packing Co., Ltd., delivering exceptional ink transfer, stable density, and simplified printing processes. GTT technology has been a game changer for our operators, ensuring consistent results with extended color gamut printing. The streamlined operations, reduced inventory, and easy maintenance reinforce our commitment to innovation and quality. With Apex’s support, we’ve achieved stunning accuracy in reproducing 90% of Pantone colors, solidifying our leadership in packaging material innovation."

Mr. Roger Wang

"In flexo-plate making for flexible packaging and label printing, GTT rollers have consistently exceeded expectations. They solve challenges like vignette smoothness and dot clarity, delivering exceptional CMYK results. Clients have drastically reduced their anilox inventory by relying on GTT for varied print needs, achieving consistent quality across projects."

Nitin Patil

"We are very pleased with what we have received so far from Apex International. The turnaround time has been great compared to the competition, and the quality of the anilox rolls has exceeded our expectations. The Amgraph team is looking forward to a long and lasting relationship with Apex International. Trust me when I say we have plenty of anilox rolls to build this partnership! It's not just about the products; it's about the commitment Apex has demonstrated to our success."

John Noblitt

"For over two decades, we’ve trusted Apex products for their performance and durability. GTT anilox rollers solve issues like ink spitting and ghosting, even at high speeds. The consistency they bring ensures no color variation, and many of our customers now prefer converting their entire library to GTT rollers."

Abhay Dutta

"At Bobst, we strive to deliver the highest standards of innovation and performance to our customers. Our partnership with Apex International has played a pivotal role in achieving these goals. The quality and precision of Apex’s anilox solutions, coupled with their commitment to innovation, have complemented our efforts to drive efficiency and excellence in printing technology."

Michael Cox

"We have been incorporating GTT anilox rolls from Apex International in our machines for the past two years, and the response has been amazing. The label industry in India has grown rapidly, and many of our customers now prefer GTT technology due to its quality and superior performance. We’ve integrated GTT anilox rolls into all our machines. Our customers consistently praise GTT for its innovative ink transfer capabilities and the exceptional print quality it delivers. It’s a game-changer and undoubtedly one of the best choices we’ve made in improving our offerings."

Shiv Nandan Singh

"It would be challenging to only provide testimony about Apex, the anilox’s work as they should, providing us with color match capabilities and repeatability which allow us to support our customer base and be competitive in the label converting industry.

The true testimony is about the relationship you have built with Kennedy Group.  Service, accountability, optimism, authenticity, respect, trust, value, and communication just to name a few, all which has provided an excellent customer-centric experience.  Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to you servicing our account for years to come."

Scott Lane

"As a company committed to world-class solutions, we chose Apex for their unmatched quality and consistency in anilox rollers. Incorporating GTT technology has transformed our production—eliminating ink spitting, improving ink laydown, and ensuring uniform color across machines and facilities. The longevity and reliability of GTT anilox rollers have been remarkable, leading us to standardize all manufacturing locations with Apex. We highly recommend Apex for anyone seeking top-quality anilox solutions."

Mr. Shail Patel

"At Weigang, a global supplier of label printing and finishing machinery, we have partnered with Apex International and their GTT anilox technology for over a year, experiencing exceptional results. GTT anilox rolls deliver superior print quality, easier cleaning, and increased efficiency while reducing inventory needs. Both our team and customers are thrilled with their performance and reliability, reinforcing the value this innovation brings. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Apex International to drive further advancements in label printing."

Mr. Nalin Sharma

"After a decade of using Apex rollers, upgrading to GTT 2.0 was a natural choice. Challenges like ink splitting, pinholes, and score lines have been virtually eliminated. We are 100% satisfied, and the Apex team continues to guide us in achieving new applications with confidence."

Sandeep Juneja

"As a 20-year-old company specializing in flexographic printing plates, we’ve faced challenges such as inconsistency, pinholing, ink smudging, and stoppages. Apex GTT technology has been a revolutionary change for us. Unlike conventional closed-loop engravings, GTT’s free-flowing canals deliver clearer prints, smoother solids, and reduced mottling. With GTT, we use less ink, eliminate spitting, and achieve longer runs without frequent anilox changes. The flexibility to print both half-tones and solids with the same anilox is a game-changer."

Deepanshu Goel